Sandalina Beauty shop `Biyer Rajkonna campaign was launched in an attempt to do something new, something out of the box. We designed the campaign to shoot for the real wedding ceremony. At the same time we had to keep the TG’s interest in our mind. We did shoot Suzana Ahmed and Istiaq Faisal wedding for Sandalina `Biyer Rajkonna’ campaign and blending the beauty tips on the video.

Sandalina is a very renowned brand in our country. They always try to do something new with their branding activity. They asked us to make an event design which had been never done before till that time by any brand of our industry. They wanted to do something real with the campaign. The Ad65 team had worked so hard to find a way with an extraordinarily exceptional idea. But in this competitive world it is very difficult to generate a unique idea to implement. Besides that we had to keep the TG’s interest on our mind.
Though it was a very tough job, the AD65 team came up with an idea related to a very special event to anyone’s life known as wedding. Every girl wants to look very special on her wedding day. Keeping this thing in mind we designed a campaign idea known as `Biyer Rajkonna’ where we had decided to run a campaign on a real wedding. Sandalina was surprised when they knew about the whole campaign idea and happily agreed to work with us.
At first AD65 team started to search for a couple who would be perfect for the campaign. We contacted with many couples where we found out about so many obstacles. Some couples were not comfortable to share their wedding ceremony on a public platform. Some couples were not perfect for our campaign. After a long searching activity we found a perfect couple for our campaign, Suzana Ahmed and Istiaq Faisal.
We contacted Suzana Ahmed and Istiaq Faisal to run our campaign especially in their wedding ceremony. They gave us the green signal to go forward.
We shoot everything of their wedding ceremony and blend the sandalina with the wedding content. We gave them a gift voucher on behalf of Vision Emporium.
we got a tremendous response from the TG of the sandalina Beauty shop which we even did not expect. We did media buying for them. 45000 like sandalina beauty shops got for this campaign. 750 facebook users gave their feedback through the comments. Suzana Ahmed and Istiaq Faisal got gift hampers from Sandalina beauty shop.